Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Goblin Emperor - A Book Review

Since I have nothing good to write about this week and I don't want to go another one without writing in here, I will proceed to give you a review of the book I just finished. It is The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison.

When I started this book, I wondered if I would even like it. The constant use of formal pronouns such as "thy" and the flowery, Shakespearean form of prose made it difficult to get into (and I'm a huge fan of Shakespeare).

Then the book ended. 

Although yes, it was a little slow in the beginning, it turned out to be a marvelous read. And, if you enjoy politicking, this is a book you may also find quite enjoyable. 

That's all this book is, to be certain. It is the story of a young man, half goblin and half elf, that is to become the new emperor of the Elflands. It is the story of him learning the ropes of the court, and of him learning how to be an emperor.

If you're looking for an action novel, this isn't it. But, if you want a deeper read with subtle lessons and political maneuvers, this book will make you very happy. I really did enjoy this book and, while not for everyone, I would certainly recommend it.

I try and read as much as possible, and I review most every book I read on my Goodreads account. If you'd care to follow me on there, please do. Then we can talk books and stuff.

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