Sunday, February 15, 2015

Star Struck Me

I've never been big into tabloids or knowing what was going on in the celebrity drama. I figure, they don't don't know me so why should I care to know them? And I don't mean that in a rude way. But I'd rather stalk someone on Facebook that I already know and catch up on their life. Drama is better when you know the people anyway, am I right? Now that doesn't mean I don't have a favorite actor/actress. I still appreciate them for their talent and I'll even pay a few bucks here and there to be mildly entertained for an hour or two. But that's about as far I take it, or so I thought until this weekend.

I didn't realize it but maybe I'm a little more "star struck" in a different way. Not so much with the Hollywood celebs but more in the Mormon world. There are people in the Mormon culture that everyone would just love to meet one day, like the prophet, David Archuleta, Steve Young, and so forth. So on the mission I became a big fan of watching Mormon Message videos. They are just so inspiring and can really change my mood in an instant. One that has always stuck out to me is called My New Life about a couple who gets in an private airplane crash and live. Their story of survival and recovery is so powerful and I've never forgotten Stephanie Nielson's story of faith and pressing forward with five children after such a tragic event.

So here is it Valentine's Day and I'm just sitting at my "station" in the temple entryway when Stephanie and her husband walk in. I was pretty shocked seeing as I didn't even know she lived in Utah. But I found myself just staring in awe like the prophet had just walked in himself. Before they even got through the line I was released from my spot and I went along to the next. I just sat and wondered what it would be like to talk to her for just one moment. I found myself talking to another temple worker about it to see if she knew who she was too. Looking back I realized that I was being a total fan girl through all of this. What a weirdo. But not too long after that I found myself face to face with her and I was so excited! It was one of those moments where I had to tell myself not to be a idiot or to say anything stupid. But as I talked to her for one brief moment I saw something I never would had known if I had never met her in person. Amongst the heavy scarring on her face from the burns she had the most beautiful eyes, and shining through them was the light of Christ. I had already thought that she was inspiring and strong but her eyes told a another story, one that can't be said with words. For that moment I didn't only know of her faith and dedication to Jesus Christ but I could feel it. She didn't have to say anything at all.

As she walked away I just told her how inspiring she was, thanked her, and we went on our merry way. When I recalled the excitement that I felt I realized that it was maybe the same excitement that people feel when they meet someone from Hollywood and I felt a little bit sheepish.  Now I figure why not admire someone so humble and Christlike. We need more people like that to be admired and sought after. But just like Christ I'm sure she has no intent to be famous or popular, but merely wants to share the message of peace and joy. She did it without words and you can tell that she lives her life in a way that makes her a true disciple of Christ.

So folks, that's my lesson learned for the week. Quiet dignity and true discipleship. It's not something you can really preach about but it just shows when it's been achieved.

P.S. Here is her blog address just in case you wanted to know more :) 


  1. And, make sure you read her book. It's pretty amazing:)

  2. And, make sure you read her book. It's pretty amazing:)
